Photo de Monsieur Frank Grossmann

Frank Grossmann

Décédé le 18 janvier 2024 à l'âge de 85 ans
Logo de Pompes Funèbres Estrade
05 64 28 05 88

Photo de Monsieur Frank Grossmann
Frank Grossmann
Décédé le 18 janvier 2024 à l'âge de 85 ans

Cérémonie civile

Crématorium de Tulle
Avenue Evariste Galois
19000 Tulle
jeudi 25 janvier 2024 à 10h30

Message de la famille

Chère famille, chers amis,

C'est avec une grande tristesse que nous vous annonçons le décès de Frank Grossmann survenu jeudi 18 janvier 2024 à Mercœur.


Déroulé des obsèques

  • 1

    Repos en salon funéraire

    Salon la Dore - Funérarium Estrade
    1 Avenue Charles de Gaulle
    19400 Argentat-sur-Dordogne
    Du vendredi 19 janvier 2024 à 16h35 au jeudi 25 janvier 2024 à 09h40
  • 2

    Cérémonie civile

    Crématorium de Tulle
    Avenue Evariste Galois
    19000 Tulle
    Le jeudi 25 janvier 2024 à 10h30
  • 3


    Crématorium de Tulle
    Avenue Evariste Galois
    19000 Tulle
    Le jeudi 25 janvier 2024 à 11h00


13 hommages ont été rendus

  • Il y a 5 mois
    Christian and Lieve Peeters

    Dear Rita, We are very sad to hear that Frank has passed away. We remember him as a good, humorous, interesting friend we were always happy to see and be with. Please accept our deepest condolences for your loss. Christian and Lieve

  • Il y a 6 mois
    Susan Huntington-Gienke

    Dear Frank, I have so many fun memories of our time together at ISB. ..some of which include sitting at Happy Hour and 'hashing out' the week, laughing about the best way to 'do laundry', shaking my head when you and Liz would talk about topics - over my head and of course the many food and wine conversations that we shared....mostly wine. I will always regret not getting to France to check out your wine cellar. Rest in peace and drink one for me with the big guy.

  • Il y a 6 mois
    Robert Chehey

    Elinor and I send our love and condolences to Rita and Mary. Frankie is one of my oldest friends, having met in the 2nd grade. I know my world will be a little sadder, knowing he is gone. I am sorry we didn't visit and correspond more frequently. Rita kept up her end, but we didn't.

  • Il y a 6 mois
    Giovanni e Sonia Nardotto

    Dear Rita, We are deeply saddened by the loss of Frank. We cannot imagine the pain you are going through right now. Frank was a friend and a wonderful person. We will miss him dearly. We fondly remember the times we gathered at your home. You and Frank were always so hospitable and kind, and you made us feel at home. In particular, we remember one evening we spent together for dinner and conversation. Frank told us a very funny story that made us laugh. We remember that he showed us the work you were doing around the house, in the garden, and in the vegetable garden. We really enjoyed the "literary" atmosphere of your home, full of books. It was a pleasure to talk with him and have interesting and cultural conversations. Our deepest condolences also go to Mary, Keisuke, and Anna. Giovanni e Sonia Nardotto

    Souvenir de Monsieur Frank Grossmann par Giovanni e Sonia Nardotto
  • Il y a 6 mois
    Giovanni e Sonia Nardotto

    Dear Rita, We are deeply saddened by the loss of Frank. We cannot imagine the pain you are going through right now. Frank was a friend and a wonderful person. We will miss him dearly. We fondly remember the times we gathered at your home. You and Frank were always so hospitable and kind, and you made us feel at home. In particular, we remember one evening we spent together for dinner and conversation. Frank told us a very funny story that made us laugh. We remember that he showed us the work you were doing around the house, in the garden, and in the vegetable garden. We really enjoyed the "literary" atmosphere of your home, full of books. It was a pleasure to talk with him and have interesting and cultural conversations. Our deepest condolences also go to Mary, Keisuke, and Anna. Giovanni e Sonia Nardotto

    Souvenir de Monsieur Frank Grossmann par Giovanni e Sonia Nardotto
  • Il y a 6 mois
    Guido & Ingrid Eelen and families

    Dear Rita, Mary and family, We offer you our heartfelt condolences. We will always remember Frank as a driving force behind our Istiqlal Jazz Quartet. The many good times we had together with you and Frank, in Kuwait, in Nieuwpoort...celebrating friendship and life, we cherish forever! May Frank's soul rest in peace. Rita and Mary, wishing you all the best and lots of strength! Guido & Ingrid

  • Il y a 6 mois
    Gisèle SALGUES

    Chère Rita. Je suis très triste pour vous, quel choc. Je vous souhaite beaucoup de courage pour affronter cette épreuve. Je vous téléphonerai dans quelques jours, et nous viendrons vous voir avec mon mari, lorsque vous le souhaiterez. Toutes nos pensées. Gisèle et Michel SALGUES

  • Il y a 6 mois
    Dominique HANQUET

    A Rita, Mary et leur famille, Raphaëlle se joint à moi pour vous dire notre grande tristesse d'apprendre le décès de Frank. Nous sommes avec vous par la pensée pour vous apporter notre soutien dans ces moments difficiles. Nous vous embrassons bien fort. Dominique Hanquet, Raphaëlle Blesson et famille

  • Il y a 6 mois
    Frank Grossmann

    Rita & Mary and Family - I was so sad to read your email message this morning!! Prayers for comfort and peace. I will put you on our prayer chain today. If it will be a comfort and help to you, I will make arrangements to fly over as soon as I can. Let me know. Love to you and yours! Dee Manning

  • Il y a 6 mois
    Isabelle HANQUET

    Cher Franck, je garde en souvenir mes étés passés dans ta maison avec Mary, que de bons moments vécus là-bas, en pleine nature, merci. Beaucoup de pensées pour Rita et Mary, qui doivent être très peinées, quelle tristesse... Courage à elles.


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